Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Radio Trouble # 3.

Earlier today yet another ham; spent a few hours with me to help double check a few things regarding my VHF/UHF radio and antenna. This now makes the third guy; who has come by to help out. There is good news and bad news in this adventure. The first thing we tried was to check the antenna. We pulled my antenna off then connecting his mag mount antenna to my radio; with the same bad results.

After some more checking of my antenna; which turned out to be okay. We disconnected my radio and then connected his radio to my antenna, and proof all of my VHF/UHF problems went away. I will be using a Yaesu FT 8500; VHF/UHF mobile while my ICOM IC- 706mkIIg will soon be repaired.

At this point the only work that has been done was within the shack and all those who have helped as well as those who have heard of the situation are in agreement with me that things on the outside need to be checked as well. in the coming days I will make plans to do so and I hope things aren't severe but I'm not holding my breath ha ha!

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