Saturday, September 17, 2011

New tool to use!

every man needs one of these on him at all times; this is a great tool and not a toy the Leatherman Charge TTI. I've had this a little over a month now and I already wish I had one as a child. I was never a Boy Scout I am not a diehard outdoorsy guy; I can tell you that this will probably improve the odds of that happening.

Yes I would admit that it's a little spending, but since when does a man have enough tools. For the short time that I've had it and used it around the house it is well worth the money. Oh yeah this is another great thing I found on Of all the things to get addicted to that one could hurt a man's retirement plan ha ha!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Antenna plan.

As I mentioned previously I plan on having fairly big antenna plans and for most part everything went well; except for one antenna. It turns out while putting up to the antennas it was discovered that the third was slightly damaged just enough to make it unusable, but it was not a tragic defect. Meaning with a little help from someone better than myself; money spent is not a loss.

I can tell you the two that made it up are doing very well so far. Time will only tell of course. All and all I can not complain the slightest little bit because of the tremendous help I received yesterday from four guys. I suspect that the weather will soon take a turn for the worse, so I patiently await for a whether opportunity to raise the final antenna. Stay tuned antenna updates to come.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Great band conditions today.

As most you know I have been involved with amateur radio for many years now and I have been known to get rather excited when the HF bands open wide. And lucky for me today they did just that for about four hours. I worked all over the Midwest and South West US the whole time. And now I am chopping at the bit to finish the additions to my mini antenna form.

Tomorrow morning or early afternoon my antenna project will be complete after several months of gathering materials; not to mention changing my mind several times over the plan of where and how the antennas go u. I think by now I get it down and all is ready to go. The plan is to change out one antenna, put another one below that one, and add one to the roof. For a total of four antennas to be done. For more details see my website; I will have updates shortly