Friday, December 18, 2009

Our household salutes ABC's Mr. Gibson!!!

Our household salutes Mr. Charlie Gibson or as my mom likes to call him "Charlie". Congratulations Mr. Gibson on 30 fabulous years of great professional, kindhearted journalism, for almost as long as I've been alive. My mother all throughout my childhood has ingrained many of the previous ABC news faces and voices in my head. and now you are yet another one of those. Your voice, face, humorous personality, and firm yet kind professional journalism will be greatly missed. it will be very strange not to hear your voice coming out of the TV in the background, but they say change is good for the soul. I wish you all the best and happiness as you enjoy life.

Finally, shortly after your final evening in the anchor chair, just moments ago mom and I shed a joyful tear or two; in celebration of course not in sadness. I must insist and I believe my mother would agree. Throughout your retirement you must stay happy, healthy, busy but not to busy ha ha. Retirement would be boring without any of those carried out, in my opinion. Happy holidays from our household to yours. I salute you again "Sir Charlie"

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