Friday, October 22, 2010

Long time no blog!

Sorry for not doing any entries lately, but I'm back in school now and I am very busy with that. I thought I might take a few moments out of my day; to update you a little bit. Since my last entry there has been a bit of a remodel of my room; pictures to be coming soon. My ham shack has been updated and moved around, those pictures also coming soon. All four of my radios have been working great for a few weeks now. So far the two antennas that I have up in the air are going great as well. No great out of country contacts yet. But I'm trying; mostly on late afternoons nights and weekends.

oh yeah one of the thing. For the past week and two days I have been fighting a very gnarly head and chest cold, so it is ill-advised to drop by ha ha!!!

Thanks to all the guys who helped out throughout the summer and up to just recently. I am not only relieved that most of my recent radio troubles have gone away, now that back on the HF bands I am having a blast. Again thank you everybody

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