The problem is that it appears the microphone cable is not shielded enough to prevent any noise generated around my house or neighborhood; from getting into the microphone. Typically known as a grounding issue. I know this because it a few months ago I had singular problem with a Yaesu FT8900 microphone. To resolve that issue I traded microphones with somebody else; then the problem on this end was gone instantly. In fact my microphone turned out to work fine at his place.
Sense what I believe to be 1996 I have been running all of my radio equipment on the following power source. Astron power supplies. As of now this is the one I am using. An Astron RS-35M power supply, and in the last three years; from time to time transformer or some other component gets noisy. Pictured below.
To be fair; These so-called radio doctors who have been making comments are not typically found on my hang out frequency. I have had a lot more of you; on my hang out frequency tell me that the interference in question was not making me inaudible; all the time.
As soon as I am told by one or more persons that this noise is very very bad and cannot be heard without severe difficulty; I will stop turn off the radio. I am getting some up and coming help; in which hopefully the problem shell be resolved. I also hope to address some equipment grounding issues throughout the shack as well.
I will soon get my own radios back from their places of repaired, and therefore will announce to the ham world; when the radio gods have decided to bless me. Meanwhile pray for me to have good radio vibes. Oh yeah I googled these images; they are not mine.

This is the microphone in question.

This is the radio that the microphone is connected to. Note I do not have, nor do I want to use the microphone pictured with this radio. (FS-10)

Astron RS-35M power supply.
Great article Thank
you so much!
You don't have that fancy mic? It seems to me you'd have a hard time operating that particular radio without it. No knobs on the front.
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