Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone on the Web and the rest of the world has a wonderful, filling turkey weekend. Hey it's a work or school mini vacation time, use it up and pick out!

Happy gobble gobbling from me and mine to you and yours!
73 kd7eyp!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Oops my bab!

Well that was completely unlike me, I did not go to the doctor today. The reason why is because by Saturday afternoon high was supposed to have called to schedule a ride to the doctor. but goof ball me didn't do that so I'm getting on the phone to reschedule my appointment. It's my own fault so I'll have a stitches to deal with for a little while longer.

The good news is, there is no more pain to deal with. oh maybe there is a little bit of pain hanging in there of the longer. But things are certainly better now and some of my brain cells by. When this whole ordeal started I was down in three to five pills, pain pills that is a day and now currently I am down to one or two a day and I'm very happy about that. Eeven though I messed up and have to wait a little while longer for the stitches to come out.That day will be December 7.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back at it!

I went back to school this week and did very well, with little help from the big white pills in my pocket ha ha! It turns out I didn't have a whole lot to worry about with. I have a little little work to make a pen still a good chance to pass both classes, so I'm happy and we'll see what happens with the final results in the coming weeks. I just might make it to this term after all.

Friday, November 13, 2009

it's time for some changes in myself and my life.

It's time for some changes in myself, I want to slow down my drinking as of now. That is today I am determined to do this for a variety of reasons. I could list tons of reasons why I should slow down my drinking or maybe even stop completely, for a second time.

But the main one is I'm sick of filling so exhausted along with turning my back several times a year and just being out of shape in general. Tapering off the alcohol slowly most likely won't change if all the above immediately but I can tell you the alcohol does contribute to all of this. I would be a fool in saying that does not have little effects on many aspects of how I take care of myself.

So since this recent back problem has been a major ordeal and my live, but drinking has to be addressed. So I'm going to give this slowing down a lot of thought and go for it. In addition with all the pain medicine I've been on lately, slowing down the drinking won't be a big deal I have done this four or five times over the years. So here goes next week is it. I'm not doing it.

Monday, November 9, 2009

All most done!

Well apparently the worst of this is almost over, today was the day that the doctor and I agreed to get this cyst out. And to my, while doing that didn't hurt as much as getting the pain medicine, to keep from feeling him cutting on me did. I believe I needed about seven to eight shots of the pain medicine to keep from filling up cutting of my skin. The whole time I was worried about filling the cutting and what hurt the most was the needle.

It was also a real trip to hear the snip snip of the scissors while he was cutting on me and feeling a little tugging. now all I have to deal with is having a few stitches for a little while, not a big deal I just can't shower like the way I usually do. This could prove to be a very interesting challenge, having to shower with a garbage bag taped to me. Don't worry I'll leave all the visuals to your imagination and leave out all those details :-)

I am scheduled for the 23rd of this month to get the stitches out, and at that point in this ordeal will be over with. I believe at this point I have missed two full weeks of school that's not good in my brain but I can make it up.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Not done yet.

well dang it I thought this would be the day to get this thing cut out, and sent home with a few stitches to deal with . It seems that I am still leaking :-).

The doctor apparently says it's not time to get rid of this thing So the doctor doubled up the dosage of the antibiotics for a few more days and I have to go back again for another follow. I guess things are still a little ugly back there . The little indecision that is probably no longer than an inch long still needs to be packed with bandages. That process is takes about a half an hour for mom to do, and it hurts like hell. This needs to be done about every day, I guess things could be worse but it still hurts like hell. I have to go back for a follow up on the ninth and maybe I will be able to have it cut out.

I am still a little loopy from the medicine, so needless to say at this point I am very worried about school but I will say everybody involved with that is being very understanding through all this I suppose I'll catch up and make up things to be made up.

At this point I'm sick of this thing, sick of being stoned out of my mind, not being able to have a beer and finally missing all the school and yes I know things could be worse but I have not been in the best of moods because of this. After this is over and done with it's time for some changes in how I fee land what I do physically, to take care of myself.