Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm on cloud nine now!!!!

So here is the story today about my AAS degree in mechanical drafting. I stopped by my advisers off earlier today too see if I could get the final word on plan c.

And that is PLAN C IS A GO! so I have been on cloud nine since 12:30 PM Thursday afternoon. Like I said before My adviser had to have another meeting with the dean of the drafting department again, too talk about plan C.

It turns out that this conversation was not just between the two said guys, this was truly a group effort. Another department chair, and one of the schools counselors plaid a part in making this all happen.

Too those four people I say that I am truly grateful for all of you efforts through out these two months.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CAD/CAM Meeting aka meeting #4

Back in late march the manufacturing department chair guy had a short chat about a CAM/CAM class or two as an option , as I said earlier. A later while at the May 7th meeting he and I had a chance to chat again. That conversation was about my safety concerns of me being in the machine shop. This had to be talked about because since birth I've had Cerebral Palsy. although I am to walk farly good doing it with out my forarm crutches, I still need the wheel chair a little bit. Also one of the side effects, I guess you can call it that Of the Cerebral Palsy for me is pure balance.

So todays meeting I got some good information about the CAD/CAM degree and it was agreed that I could make through under or about half way through these program requiarments with some mynore phsyical accomidations. But to make it to the end would in deed take some big work arounds in the shop side of things.

At no point did I feel any bad vibes from our conversation, meening I was not being told that I try this in the least. I would love to have a full understanding of what some one in the shop is thinking or doing when a set of my drawings were in there hand, yet I would feel a hole lot better if the papers didn't read "man dies do to machine shop tool assemilation" lol.

Before we rapped it up the guy said not worie to much and the new plan should go through fine. I did feel some good vibes at the end of yet another meeting. So I lay in waiting for two more days.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Meeting #3?

Well let see I think today's meeting was number three. when my adviser and I met today plan c was still a little fogy. So between the two of us, did some more class comparing from both schools and we checked our math over and over again, yet my adviser needed input a third person because at this point my degree was coming down to four or five CAD class substations from the CAD/CAM degree.

With some help from the CAD/CAM head guy, we were close to being right. by the end of the brain storming plan c was beat to death and a strong possibility of a go ahead. So next week my adviser's off too meet the department dean again.

Today I am very grateful for all efforts, but still a bit worried. And so it seems more waiting is in store for me.

Before I left the campus today I stopped by the manufacturing department office to setup a time next to sit down with that department chair aka the same guy that joined the chat earlier in the day, to see about the CAD/CAM degree.

I did this because I can't get the idea out of my head that there was a chance my goal of a degree in drafting, was slipping away. CAD/CAM is not the way I'd like to go, but I'm still checking out my options.

All and all, all is not lost. By the end of next week plan C should a go.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Made A Phone Call

After being a shored that I would hair some news of the credit review by an e-mail with in this week, and not knowing that was a problem with getting my school e-mail on my end, by 3:00 pm today, I picked up the phone to try getting some news out of somebody.

I had the contact info. of the person doing the review and just minutes after I left a voice mail, my phone rang. With in a minute conversation I learned three things.

1. My transcripts will soon be in the hands of my adviser.
2. The dean of the drafting department and my adviser had to talk about me.
3. And to my delight I don't have to take the CCC writing class, my PCC writing class will take its place.

I am happy to heir all this news and this next meeting should happen this coming week. So I have more waiting to do.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today's Meeting

Well the short story is!! After forty minuses of Q & A from myself and the students I be leave most of us had good news to report. In my case after the meeting I had mixed feelings because I went too the meeting thanking it was more than it turned out be.

When It was my turn for a chat I was hopping to work out and finalize plan C today. But after that chat was done plan C can't move ahead yet. Because It turns out when I came to CCC to start plan B in 2007 and CCC had my PCC credits on file, an afishal review of said records was done that time.

I was not to heir this after over two years of taking classes. All is not so lost though, two people from the school said the review would be done and something will be known in a week

Sunday, May 3, 2009

ITunes Glich

I had to reformat my hard a few weeks ago, and for the most part it went well. After doing this for the first time on own I thought everything was fine. Nope that's not so. A problem with ITunes was one of the reasons for the reformat. When I begin using Itunes in early 2005 I started with version 6 for windows, and It worked just fine. But as soon as I upgrated too version 7, and now 8 I've had the same glich.

When I start any song and let ITunes play next one it starts the song, but it skips for about 2to 5 seconds like a scrached CD would do. The is a radom glich becouse seval tracks will have played before the skipping starts again. This does not happen on my IPod at all. I guess only some cases a reformat SHOULD FIX EVERYTHING.

I am a little disapointed that the problem is still bugging me, but still like ITunes for all the cool stuff it can do. I guess I can put up with ONE glich, knowing that I'm not crazy enough to through away $250 IPod and $400 wirth of music.